Saturday 24 March 2012

cts seminar - panopticism.

Key points from lecture;-psychological torture/ experimentation?

-Panopticism - JEREMY BETHAM 1791.
                     - Physiological effect of the building is to include the idea that you are being watched, and therefore you behave in a way as if you were being watched.
                     - most loony asylum use the panopticism as architectural reference.


Key features to make the panopticon work.
                     - isolation - Your mind starts messing with itself
                                     - You have no other point of referance.

                     - Incisability/visability - the person must think that they are in view, however the person doing the viewing must never be viewed  - the person doing the viewing is never truely visable but always reminded that he is around.
                     - Light, bright, airy spaces.

                     - Productivity - the panopticon forces being to work harder, learn faster, get better quicker or inform peoples behaviours efficiently.


Docile body.  [a docile body is defined by Michel Foucault -
"one that may be subjected, used, transformed, and improved. and that this docile body can only be achieved through strict regiment of disciplinary acts"]
              - More productive
                     - Obidient
                     - Self regulate - self train

Docile bodies are produced by a disciplinary society.

Physical control -----> mental control.

POWER - Foucault says; 'theres no power without resistance.'
'Power is a relationship between people'
[Person A <-----> person B] - a relationship that works in both ways
                                               - Authority over resistance.


Examples of PANOPTICISM in the 21st century.

- CCTV - Load of visual reminders that you are being recorded even though most of them are not in operation.
- OPEN PLAN OFFICE - The though of your manager being able to see what you're doing or walk past at any time makes you more productive.
- SOCIAL NETWORKING - you are constantly visible to the world.
- ADVERTS AND MEDIA - perfect bodies, perfect lives are constantly being thrown at us, how to live our lives, makes people think on a different way and act upon it by buying the product.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Salicine Crystals - andy underwood

This colourful illustration is a polarised light photomicrograph of a most interesting chemical called Salicine. In other words it is a highly magnified image (enlarged about two hundred times) taken with the aid of a special microscope technique that uses the natural refraction of these crystals to produce a pattern of rainbow colours.

diamond - geometric shapes - lucas guzman

Originally modelled for a diamond collection film for Rodrigo Otazu and Gassan Diamonds, these diamonds have really useful to me on every jewelry design. they were modelled from scratch, from 2D drawings, modelling with the shape spline from Max. I had to learn how in reality the diamonds become so bright, shiny and how they generate all these shapes inside of it. The cone shape on the back of all of them warranties the free bouncing of lightning, and that's how a diamond shines!

Study of Light - stefanie atkinson

a study of light by stefanie atkinson, really interesting patterns, forms and colours formed here from the refraction of light, would be really interested if incorporated into some design work.

Metaphysical Synapses photography

Reflective Macro Photography marius budu, really nice style of photography leaving some really nice reflective shapes and patters, would be nice experimenting with this within our project to see how we could capture refraction from diamonds.

Light Visions

Some interesting images and colours i found created from refractions of light.

The Laser Cave

The Laser Cave is an interactive audio visual / mograph sculpture. Harnessing the interplay between reflective and refractive light, infinite iterations of luminescent geometric structures come to life. Incorporating projection mapping techniques and interactive audio visual clips. The user is able to create there very own 21st century cave painting.


In 1666, Sir Isaac Newton conducted a famous experiment that has been widely considered as a landmark discovery in the study of optics and color theory. Inspired by this discovery, PRISMA 1666 is an interactive light installation consisting of 15 triangular crystal blocks distributed randomly on a clean white surface. The projection of colorful graphics is refracted and dispersed by these crystal blocks, creating a fascinating visual experience and ambiance. The installation enables interaction with the projected colors, angles, and shapes through a touch interface, creating an opportunity to experiment with these elements like Isaac Newton did so many years before us.

Reflection and refraction of light in water air surface

Light propagating in water reaches a plane surface separating water from air. A fraction of light reflects back and the remaining fraction refracts to air. As the incident angle goes up more and more light reflects until the critical angle is reached. For angles of incident greater than the critical angle all the light reaching the surface reflects (total internal reflection).

This technique creates tons creates really interesting and  complex geometric shapes which would really well if incorporated into our design work. Reflecting the light off different surfaces and layering them ontop of each other would help create a grid like pattern similar to a diamond which would fit in really well incorporating our old design direction and the new.

Aurora by Balint Bolygo

Aurora refers to the astrophysical phenomenon of the polar lights caused by solar winds. The piece is an installation that uses a combination of rotating and fixed mirrors and strong lasers. Due to optical laws of internal reflection and refraction, the light effects create a changing light sculpture out of the whole space, where no two moments are the same. The architectural features of the Town Hall Lobby define the unique nature and structure of the piece. 

refraction of light through a triangular prism

refraction of light through a triangular prism, doing this creates some really nice patterns and shapes, would work really well within some some design work, using just refraction of light within design, no illustrator or computerised vectored work, just the shapes and colours created from bending and shaping light.

Reflecting light through a concave mirror

Focal point of a concave mirror

reflection of parallel light beams from a concave mirror

Doing this sort of experimentation would work really well for our project, reflecting the light from the concave mirror allows these paths of light to cross over each other and create these really nice patterns and shapes, would work very if incorporated into a design.

Reflection and refraction of colored light

Reflection and refraction of coloured light in water 

air surface 2, varying incidence angle

Light propagating in water reaches a plane surface separating water from air. A fraction of light reflects back and the remaining fraction refracts to air. As the incident angle goes up more and more light reflects until the critical angle is reached. For angles of incident greater than the critical angle all the light reaching the surface reflects (total internal reflection).

Some colored filters are glued at the orifices. The original light from this apparatus is white halogen.

Tuesday 13 March 2012


the installation enables interaction with the projected colors, angles, and shapes through a touch interface, creating an opportunity to experiment with these elements like Isaac Newton did so many years before us.


not sure who the artist is, i just stumbled upon this photograph online and i think it shows how easy it can be to create something visually appealing with refraction of light, theirs just something about the random placement of colours and shapes which just has a really nice effect.

Finnbogi Pétursson - light reflection//refraction through water

using water to create patterns with light when passed through

Finnbogi Pétursson - light

different patterns with light...

Finnbogi Pétursson - reflection of light on different surfaces

The following projects by Finnbogi Pétursson, are awesome ways to see how beautiful are the patterns, textures and forms created using the water. They have been projected because of the reflection of light on different surfaces, and caused by severals frequencies of sound. 

Bolygó Bolygo - light//reflection//refraction

Bolygó Bolygo’s work explores the similarity between the artistic and scientific mind. His work explores how both minds are motivated by the same need to discover/uncover, and turn resulting ideas into totalities.
This is a drawing/projecting mechanism that creates images (Lissajous curves) using twin elliptic harmonic movement. The movement of a pendulum and its deflecting pendulum result in a fine point scratching a fine layer of carbon off a sheet of glass. With the aid of an overhead projector this process is instantaneously transferred into a light drawing. The images are the results of traces of the time and movement whilst the pendulum is pulled to equilibrium by the Earth's gravitational pull. These gravity-induced drawings hint at recognizable images found in nature that have also been formed by this universal force. The soot that is on the glass relates to Carbon being an abundant component of life and also of the Universe. The earth's gravitational pull is harnessed to produce completely unique forms that often resemble images not dissimilar from ones found in astronomy. The drawings created with this piece are have been made into light boxes.

refraction//reflection - Carlo Bernardini

Carlo Bernardini creates fiber optics installations. Bernardini uses the fiber optic since 1996, to transform dark spaces into abstract light environments. His site-specific installations are based on triangular forms, which lines passes through walls, floors, façades and they may be seen floating between buildings. Each installation has its own precise viewpoint, from which it can be seen as a two-dimensional rhomboidal form. Bernardini also works combining steel and optic fibers, to built permanent public sculptures in stainless