Couldn't really find any well designed lab reports/experiment reports.
Reports such as these would usually be published by labs to help showcase their experiments and results to the wold. Therefore as part of our projects we will be designing these publications for vitro-regeneration to be printed around the world. These papers would have to have a formal feel to them within the design due to the wide audience that will see them; however after looking through a few examples it seems that not so much consideration is put into the design work behind them at all, which would give us the scope to do something completely different to other labs in order to push the potential of company and have them seen by a much larger audience. Unlike these examples we will try not to stick to generic styles; try to be different to push the capabilities of the lab reports, however not too experimental because the over all design has to be relevant for it's purpose; form follows function. Just give them a nice overall design aesthetic to make people want to see them.
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