Tuesday 27 September 2011

OUGD201 - Design Production - Print. Good is? Rational

OUGD201 - Design Production - Print. Good is? Rational

Minimalism - what is minimalism? how minimalist can you be..

Good is.. minimalism.

Minimalism has become massive recently, every logo/branding, advertisement, package design, publication even modern technology, such as apple products are becoming more and more minimalist. Minimalist is good because is it cleverly communicating message or selling a product using the most minimalist techniques as possible usually using wit or genius puzzling ideas. 

- to produce book using minimalist publication and editorial and including some on my own minimalist work.
- explain why minimalism is good and what is minimalism including illustration minimalism quotes all published using minimalism.
- to test the boundaries of minimalism showing how face you take it whist still be legible and still communicate a message.
This product is aimed towards people who work in design center. The product is ment to inform and entertain people. People who want to know what minimalism is or want to see some minimalism/publication.

Deliver a professional looking using a range of printing methods.

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