Tuesday 10 January 2012

brazil, the divide between the rich and poor.

I thought an interesting thing to look at while i was comparing the rich to the poor is the extreme divides between the rich and poor in countries such as india and brazil. You can actually see how the city is divided into to two groups of civilisation who live completely different lives, on one half the millions of people living in poverty while right next door to them the lucky few live in high class on the rich side of the country. The two sides rarely interact with each other, its like different worlds. Wrong really when you live with so much money and the people just next door are struggling to get a meal.

''As our capital city continues to expand wider and higher to cater for more sky scraping condominiums, the divide between the haves and have-nots is becoming more and more noticeable.
Perhaps it is something to be expected - our city is an old one, there plenty of old neighbourhoods with aging shophouses and urban villages that once housed the thousands of immigrants from the rural areas looking for employment back in the 60’s and 70’s.
But now, a new breed of towers have appeared around the KLCC, perhaps a sign of a deeping divide in the city. This of course is not an issue peculiar to KL, most other third world country face this reality too.''


  1. Sou brasileiro,moro no Brasil e garanto que está exagerando um pouco as cidades não estão "divididas" apenas existem partes de pessoas mais ricas e outras de pessoas mais pobres.no Brasil o numero de pobres é bem maior do que os ricos,mas isso não significa que,quem é pobre vive em favelas e ricos em mansões e sim que pessoas de uma classe social muito baixa viva favelas, mas isso não significa que moradores de comunidades são pessoas totalmente sem rumo e vivem sem ter o que comer e por isso roubam todos,nada ver pois isso é viagem.Favelados assistem Tv fechada,comem comida de qualidade,jogam video game,viajam e acessão a internet.

    Pesquise antes de disser coisas

  2. This is an excellent post, and very intelligent thinking.
    I am a poet and have posted one of the pictures.
    I hope this is OK - I have credited this page.

    Please come over and take a look!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. the second image neither of brazil is
